Monday, March 8, 2010

61 weeks, but who's counting right?

That's right, sixty one glorious weeks left. How awesome is that. I wish that number was squished to about 6 weeks left, but I will take what I can get. This week I'm supposed to wash and clean out the car...boy does it need it!! Stephen took it to work today so I wont be doing it now. It is raining since Friday so no harm there. I think we may end up selling it after we get the new car. HALLELUJAH!!! That car was okay when i first got it but now it's more like a tiny little coffin. It scares the jeepers out of me.
On a different not, I am supposed to be going to Louisiana on Thursday but no tickets booked yet. Hopefully I still get to go. I have been back since September, but that time has really flown by.

I took Michael to get his one year shots on Saturday. He is 34 inches tall and 25lbs. He's in the 98th percent for his height and the 70th for his weight. The doctor said he is doing really well and is very healthy. Well, I would hope so. Little booger is always hungry and always has a drink in hand. Ugh, we love him so much. How is it that no matter how much I see him walk, or talk, I still think its the cutest thing ever?! Me NOT being bias, thinks he is the sweetest and cutest and smartest baby alive! lol. His sugars have fogged my brain, i think. Last night we were sitting at dinner and said, "Michael what does the doggie do?" and he replies with, "OOF OOF!."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Week 2: Cleaning out the closets

Well, that was easy! ...and difficult all at the same time. I am a horrible "get-rid-of-er" . My thoughts as I'm going through my drawers: "Well, I haven't worn that in two years but I am losing weight so maybe soon"...cant' go in the bag. "What if my other clothes get stained and I have nothing left" ....keep that. You see where this is going. All together I bagged about 6 pairs of hideous pants and stuff that I wore about four years ago in college. Things my flabby mommy belly will not be folded into. And I'm a good folder...which makes me a bit depressed. HOw the hell was I that skinny?? Really?? And I thought i was a bit big back then but a size four from American Eagle isn't that big at all. And I'm really not big now, just not little anymore. Sigh...where am I going with this?? Oh yea..the cleaning out the closets thing. Well, I did what I said I would do. I'm going to do Michael's clothes today, which shouldn't be that hard. Little thing gets longer everyday.
Speaking of...he's walking like crazy. Everywhere!! and talking. He says "Jsss" in a high pitch, oh so cute, baby voice. That means Juice, btw. He also says fish, daisy, hey, and dada. That's "mama" in the mix but he'll recognize one day.=) Here's a picture of the too cute little man that made a year old on the 20th of Feb.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Making a list and checking it 63 times

In my effort to get through the last year and couple months, I am coming up with a list of 63 things. 63 weeks, 63 activities. The list is going to be filled in with random things. Some things related to moving and packing and cleaning...others related to cooking puerto rican dishes and taking Michael to get ice cream. Sometimes I'll go in order and sometimes I'll skip around. Some things may be repeated obviously. But I want to finish this. Hopefully documenting each week's activity with a picture. The first week is making the list. I"m still working on it and trying to think of things to fill it in. Here's what I have so far:

Week 1: Make my list (in progress)
week 2: Clean out upstairs closets
week 3: Wash/clean out the car for Stephen (since i dont' have one yet)
week 4: order a new book on Amazon
week 5: clean the garage
week 6: buy ingredients for and make Pastelon
week 7: rearrange and clean my room
week 8: buy a car (this may come sooner)
week 9: have friends over for a game night
week 10: take Michael for Ben and Jerry's icecream
week 11: reorganize and clean out the laundry room
week 12: do al of the laundry in the house in one day...
week 13: clean off Stephen's desk
week 14: see "Remember Me"
week 15: see "Eclipse"
week 16: Make Easter cards with Michael
week 17: Take Michael to the park and blow bubbles
week 18: visit family in Louisiana (may come sooner)
week 19: cover the table in paper and paint with Michael
week 20: Make a new Scrapbook page
week 21: Buy and plant some new flowers
week 22: clean out and minimize junk drawers
week 23: make Papas Rellenos
week 24: mani/pedi
week 25: make michael a jumper
week 26: Picnic at the park with Michael
week 27: Lucy and Dans wedding. =) can't waiiiittttt!!!!
week 28: wash/clean out both cars (assuming i have one by then)
week 29: plan a trip to Vieques
week 30: clean the garage
week 31: order a new book on amazon
week 32: clean off Stephen's desk
week 33: clean the fish tank
week 34:
week 35:
week 36:
week 37:
week 38:
week 39: spend a couple of days in Aquadilla
week 40:
week 41:
week 42:
week 43:
week 44: clean up back yard, pool area.
week 45: go through clothes again and pack what we wont need
week 46: Clean up all Christmas and get rid of what we dont need
week 48: Plan Michael's 2nd birthday
week 50: Clean out Michael's old baby toys and pack up what he doesn't use anymore
week 52: Go through my kitchen stuff
week 53: clean out garage
week 54: clean out my room
week 55: start cleaning out guest bedrooms/washing walls and windows
week 56: clean out and sell the stuff we aren't taking with us
week 57: Clean out pantry and refrigerator
week 58: Get our medical records/ organize important papers for the move, take dogs to vet
week 59: Pack everything we will need before HHG arrives: clothes, etc
week 60: Move everything that isn't ours or moving into its own room
week 61: pack all of my breakables and pictures
week 62: cancel all internet, cable, electricity, water
week 63: Take a video of inventory of all of the HHG and video the working appliances and tech gadgets.

That's all I have so far. When I finish, I will repost with the rest and each following week will be entitled with that week's activity. =) wish me luck...and if anyone can find the remote to put the next 63 weeks on fast forward, please let me know..i can't find it!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

To my baby boy

February 20th of 2009
I held my heart for the first time
I touched your face and kissed your cheek
Played with your hands and cuddled your feet
I cried many tears and laughed aloud
When daddy changed your diaper and was so proud
When mommy nursed you through the night
And promised everything would be alright
For the first time ever, I’d found my place
Looking into your darling face
We will love you forever my darling dear
Our little Michael Patrick Bernier

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Half way to a year!

That's right, our precious little big boy is 6 months old on Wed. He is 22lbs and 28 and a half inches long. His hobbies include; burping, rolling over, giggling, eating dog tails, and coughing when not paid attention to. He enjoys spending time with Boston and Daisy and being held at least 12 hours out of the day. His favorite foods are sweet potatoes, mashed bananas, and apple cereal. His short term goals consist of learning to crawl in the next two months (stationary play just isn't his style), saying his first words by seven months, and walking before his first birthday.

He's a perfectly healthy and comical baby boy and a joy to be around. He's so easy to take care of and is always happy. We'd be lost without him. Happy early six month birthday Michael..WE love you!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Good Gracious

Where does the time go? Seriously! Wasn't I 6months pregnant like last week? All of a sudden I wake up to a giggly, roley poley, who's working on scooting his way across the living room floor. He's 4 months old as of last week, weighing in at 17lbs and stretching out 26 inches long. We're looking into NBA teams at the moment for when they decide they want to recruit our son. =) Definitely not the Lakers, we don't want to make Kobe look bad. Michael is now rolling his way around. I woke up about a week ago and went in his room to pick him up and get him ready for the day. Michael was rolled over onto his stomach with his blanket draped over him and his head poking out with the biggest, toothless grin he could force. That happened a couple of times without Stephen or me being able to catch him in the act. Sunday we laid him on the floor and were so excited when we saw him roll over a few times!! He's also eating cereals and fruits, sometimes twice a day. The strained peas incident made me realize he's not much for vegetables at the moment, so we should try again later. He is no longer mocking Daisy's howl, but instead, he's OOHing like a monkey. That makes for interesting conversation in the middle of Walmart. =) He's also growing out of his 6 to 9 month pajamas. If he grows another half inch he'll be in 12 mnth. I'm already thinking of ways to alter his pajamas by maybe cutting off the feet and hemming the bottoms. At the end of July we will be making his first trip up to Mass to see his aunts and uncle and grand parents. It should be lots of fun. No time for posting pics today..he's calling for me. =)

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Our sweet little handsome man is three months old already! He's come such a long way from that motionless, curious, little bundle we brought home, seemingly, days ago. While he's still curious as ever, he's also very much aware and alert to his surroundings. He can't sit still long enough to realize that he can't run, although he tries so hard but stays in place. Recently, he's found his voice, however I think he's copying Daisy's howl more than mocking our words. He loves his bath time with dad every night at 8:30 and then willingly lies in his crib and falls asleep to his glow seahorse. His open-mouth, gummy, smile is heart-melting, and his appetite for hands is hilarious. He can pull himself up on his legs while holding our hands, now. He can also, almost, pull himself into a sitting position but lacks the stability. He's weighing in around 15 or 16lbs and stretches out about 25inches long. He loves the dogs and they adore him just as much. Boston is way more protective and tries to shield him from Daisy's tongue baths, whenever she gets a half second to sneak them in. Stephen and I are doing great. We're looking forward to our first summer as parents, taking our baby boy to the beach and letting him get a feel for sand. It's been a fantastic experience so far and we can't wait to see what the future holds for our baby boy, Michael. Here are a couple of pictures we've snapped in the last month